Ghost in the Ballroom
Watch me read/perform one of my poems from my book Visions From the Dream Gyre…
Watch me read a poem - Elven Creature...
Watch me read my poem Elven Creature from my book Visions from the Dream Gyre!
Ballad of the Reverie Organ :: Update
I've officially gotten feedback from five Beta Readers now on the sequel to The Axeboy's Blues, and I've decided to experiment with altering the beginning a bit.
Visions from the Dream Gyre
My third book is published! Visions from the Dream Gyre is a collection of short stories and poetry centered around dreams and the subconscious.
Spectacle of the Extension 2nd Edition
The release party for the 2nd Edition of Spectacle of the Extension went really well! A lot of people came out even though it was a rainy night, and it was very magical indeed!
Volume 2 Update!
I've been doing a ton of work on The Agents Of, Volume 2, so much that I haven't been doing much else. I have the first third of the book pretty much locked down, after having started over from scratch a few months back.
Roman Wing Intro
A reading from my novel, The Axeboy's Blues, where I introduce the character Roman Wing.