Ballad of the Reverie Organ :: Update

Hello Readers!

I've officially gotten feedback from five Beta Readers now on the sequel to The Axeboy's Blues, and I've decided to experiment with altering the beginning a bit. I might not keep the changes, but I'm going to go in and rearrange and tweak the plot in an attempt to streamline it and strengthen the flow of the novel.

I'm super excited about it, as I've been itching to write in this world again. Some of the ideas I've been coming up with will really elevate the book. I'm hoping to have another draft done in a couple of months.

Also, if you haven't checked out my new Short Story & Poetry book, Visions from the Dream Gyre, it's available on Amazon and Kindle, where you can read the first story for free.

Also-also, I'm going to be putting several poems up on my Patreon in the coming weeks, as well as rough draft chapters from my sequel.

Hope you're having a magical and inspiring week!



Watch me read a poem - Elven Creature...


Visions from the Dream Gyre