Barn Owl - Sculpture

A small barn owl sculpture made of polymer clay. It's painted with various shades of creams, browns, yellows, and oranges.


I just finished this Barn Owl commission sculpture. I’m really happy with how it turned out. A friend of mine saw my Metallic Owl sculpture on social media and hired me to make her a barn owl. It was really fun to make and is one of my best uses of non-metallic paint yet. It’s made of foil, polymer clay, and acrylic paint.

Here is a video I put together for it:

The video I made for my Metallic Owl went so well that I tried to do something similar here without doing the exact same thing.

One thing that my wonderful girlfriend has helped me realize is that with crafts, you don’t need to make things “perfect.” People are buying hand-made sculptures, so flaws are alright because if they wanted a flawless machine-made figure, they would go to a big store and buy one. It’s the imperfections that make it both beautiful and let your personality and voice shine through.

Below are some making-of pics. I was having a rough week, so most of my making-of pics didn’t come out, so there aren’t as many. (Working on this piece definitely helped me get into a better mental state though, so the piece is special to me for that reason)

The white liquid around the eyes was from an experiment that I tried. I tried using liquid polymer clay to make the eyes, but they didn’t work out.

I hope you like my Barn Owl sculpture! And have an inspiring week!



Mushroom Bot! (Detailed Making-Of Process)


Sculpting a Metallic Owl