The Dapper Octopus - Sculpture


I made this little octopus sculpture for my girlfriend for the holidays. I’m really happy with how he turned out, and I like how cartoon-ish he looks.

He’s made out of polymer clay, wire, foil, and acrylic paint.

Here are some making of pics:

Here are some painting pics. I tried experimenting with patterns and different colors on the octopus body, but they would either look good on the tentacles and bad on the body, or vise versa. So I stuck with a simpler coloring, and I think it lends well to the cartoon-ish aspects of the sculpture. I kept the teal eyes, which has become a kind of signature for my sculptures. It’s like they all have the same life force inside of them.

This was really fun to make, and I plan on making more octopus sculptures in the future.

Until next time,



Sculpting a Metallic Owl


Sea Turtle City - Sculpture