New Website & Creative Projects


In a previous post, I wrote about how lightning struck our apartment building in New Orleans, and that my girlfriend and I decided to turn a bad situation into an adventure. We relocated near the Mississippi coast and will be traveling to various cities around the United States looking for a future place to call home.

If you want to be updated about my travel blogs and creative endeavors, sign up for my Newsletter.

New Website

Since I’m not working for a bit, I’ve had time to finish the new website I was building. A few months ago I started taking my girlfriend Mallory’s Marketing Accelerator course, which was created specifically for small creative businesses like mine. I’ve been using what I learned to create this website from scratch and start up an email Newsletter. I’m very happy with how my website turned out!

Screenshot of the home screen of, the website for the author Andy Reynolds. The upper section has Andy wearing a suit coat and reading one of his novels. The middle section describes his book "Ballad of the Reverie Organ".

Creative Projects

  • The Nora Novel

I’ve also had time to work on my creative projects, mostly my newest novel idea about a woman searching a strange, dream-like world for her lost lover. The main character is named Nora, and I haven’t come up with a title yet, so I call it the Nora Novel.

For about six months, I poured through the instructional Youtube videos of an author named Abbie Emmons. I was going through her videos on the 3 act plot structure, and I learned so much from her detailed ideas on how each piece of the plot works together, and so much more. I had an idea for my current novel, and as I watched the videos I broke the plot over and over until I had an extremely fleshed-out outline where every piece works with every other piece.

If you’re a fiction writer, I highly recommend Abbie Emmons’ videos.

With the fire and all the moving, I haven’t spent as much time writing as I normally would, but I’ve finished a draft of the intro chapter and chapter one, and I’ve outlined the second chapter and written most of the dialogue for it.

With this novel, I’m trying to weave my poetry into all of the descriptions while still having very real and relatable characters. So far I’m very happy with what I’ve written. If you want to check it out, I do have the intro available for people who support me on Patreon.

  • Other Creative Projects

I’m currently gathering pieces of junk that I’m going to sculpt into a character, then I’m going to create Youtube videos with this character. I’m going to create a story, voice them, and possibly even make music for the videos. There’s a lot more to it, but it’s very hush-hush. You understand.

I also plan on spending some time every day learning the theremin. A theremin is an otherworldly electronic instrument from the early 1900s that’s been used in Sci-Fi movies and shows. My theremin is one of the few things I didn’t lose in the fire, and I’m looking forward to practicing and really learning how to do some cool stuff with it.

That’s all for now! I hope you’re having an awesome September!



The Museum of Wonder, Alabama


Lightning, Fire & Adventure