Making my 3rd Robot


Let me introduce you to my third robot. I created this fellow as a gift for my girlfriend for our anniversary. If you missed my blog about my first two robot sculptures, one of which is a robot puppet, you can check it out here: I Build Robot Puppets Now…

Blue, silver, bronze, and burgundy robot sculpture made of polymer clay. The robot is smiling and holding out an antique key painted purple. The robot has a keyhole attached to its chest. Sculpture is by Andy Reynolds.

This fellow is made of Super Sculpey polymer clay, foil, wire, nuts, an antique key, wooden skewers, and acrylic paint.

I got the idea of using wooden skewers from Ace of Clay on Youtube. I’ve been learning a lot from his sculpting videos, and definitely recommend checking him out if you’re interested in sculpting. The wooden skewers are used for the robot’s neck and arms, letting me make them very thin yet durable.

Here are some making-of pics:

After I got him all put together and baked, it was time to paint him. One of his hands cracked in the baking process, but the key covers the crack.

Here are the final pics of him:

My girlfriend was really happy with him. If I make versions of him in the future, I might buy real keyholes and nicer antique keys to incorporate into the sculpture.

Thanks for coming along to see my process!



Making Another Robot Puppet


A Robot’s Love Poem (Puppetry Video)